The Auxiliary, along with DC FOP Lodge #1, is holding a St. Patrick's Day 50th Year Parade luncheon and fundraiser on March 15th, between 11am and 5pm. If you would like to volunteer to help that day, please let me know. It would also be great if you can come out and just celebrate with us. Another upcoming Auxiliary fundraiser, which is being handled by one of our members, Marianne Griffin of Griffin World Wide Travel, is a 7 day Royal Caribbean cruise in February 2021, going out of Miami on Symphony of the Seas. For each cabin reserved by law enforcement our Auxiliary will receive $50. We also have a raffle going on now for an inside cabin for two. Each ticket is $10 and the drawing will be held at our November 2020 crab feast. We also will be selling raffle tickets at the St. Patrick's luncheon. If anyone is interested in this cruise fundraiser, please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Our vice president and chairman of our DC FOP memorial committee, Patty Sucato, is working together with DC MPD and C.O.P.S. in preparation of the upcoming local Law Enforcement Memorial to be held on May 4, 2020, at 11:30 am in front of MPD headquarters. Being honored this year is Montgomery County Police Officer Kyle David Olinger, who succumbed in April 2019 from complications of a gunshot wound sustained on August 13, 2003. Lunch and desserts will be provided afterward by Mission Barbecue and our Auxiliary. We are looking for volunteers for this event as well.
When I was at the National Conference in New Orleans this past August, I was appointed Chairman of the Legislative Committee for the National FOP Auxiliary. I will now be including information here for our Auxiliary members regarding legislative matters which should be of interest to all of you. It will describe legislation in progress—please get this information out to everyone you know so they can contact their representatives to help in pushing the legislation through.
We are in the early stages of having little emergency to-go bags, made with our logo and our FOP's logo, to distribute to area members that are in need during a crisis. One of our members, Marianne Griffin, also is going to have some emergency bags made up with her company's name "Griffin Worldwide Travel" to distribute with ours as a way of giving back to our law enforcement community. There will be several police academy graduations coming up soon and we will continue to provide cakes and information about our Auxiliary to the new recruits.
We have a meeting on March 11th at 5 pm at FOP DC Lodge #1 if anyone is interested in attending. We have quarterly meetings for the general membership. Since the full board will not be present it only will be an informational meeting to discuss upcoming events and your ability to volunteer.
Just a reminder that I have received almost all of your 2020 Auxiliary renewal membership dues. If you have not submitted payment, please do so as soon as possible as we will be updating our membership database in the next couple of weeks.
Bonnie Cannon
President/National Trustee
DC FOP Lodge #1
Auxiliary Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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